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Love Square

Love Square

There's so many love triangles, but add another person and it makes it so much more complicated.


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Learn More about the Common Illnesses of Budgies | Pet News ...

Learn More about the Common Illnesses of Budgies



It can be very difficult to tell if a bird is feeling ill and budgerigars (a.k.a. budgies) are no?exception. Hiding pain and injuries is their way of practicing self-preservation because in the wild, the weak are considered to be the focus of many predators. By the time you notice that your bird is sick, it may be too late. It is ideal to catch an illness in its early stages to better cure your pet. Carefully observe and know your pet?s usual behavior, habits, and characteristics so you can tell if there is anything bothering it.

Here are some common signs and symptoms your budgie may exhibit:
-Loss of appetite
-Feathers may looked fluffed up
-Droppings may not look normal
-Sleep patterns are not normal
-Consumes more water than usual
-Bald patches
-Abnormal breathing
-Hunched position
-Sitting at the bottom of the cage

Here are some common illnesses in budgies:

Vitamin A deficiency ? this can be the most common deficiency for budgies that are mostly fed seeds. Seeds can also cause obesity because they are very high in fat. Vitamin A aids in digestion and helps combat parasites and infections. To avoid Vitamin A deficiency, you can add foods that are rich in Vitamin A to your pet?s diet. These are cantaloupes, apricots, red peppers, carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. You can steam the fruits and vegetables and mash them up to make it easier for your budgie to eat. Make sure you do not leave fresh food out too long because it can attract insects. You can also add leafy greens and calcium blocks to your bird?s diet. Organic fruits and vegetables are preferable because even the tiniest amount of pesticide can harm your budgie.

Fatty tumors ? this is primarily caused by seeds high in fat content if your budgie is on a seed-only diet. The condition is more likely to affect overweight budgies. Older birds are more prone to developing tumors in their testicles, ovaries, or kidneys. This can cause pressure on the body and leave them lame in their legs or feet.

Gout ? this is caused by kidney disease or a metabolic problem. Birds get gout from preservatives, chemicals, or drinking water that has toxins. Make sure your budgie gets enough clean and fresh water to drink to cleanse its system.

Diabetes ? this disease is usually caused by the overproduction of the hormone, glucagon. This causes the blood sugar levels in birds to go up. You can change your pet?s diet to maintain its sugar levels. Your veterinarian may prescribe insulin medication such as Glyburide.

Photo: http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s298/Ontosrob/Buddies/Budgies.jpg

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Source: http://www.petsintouch.com/pnn/15023/learn-more-about-the-common-illnesses-of-budgies

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3 Old School Marketing Methods that Still Work | Business News

These tried and true methods can help you drive sales and acquire new customers..

Sponsored Facebook posts. Blogging. Viral videos. In the age of the Internet, there?s no shortage of 21st-century marketing channels to generate buzz for your business.

But after all these years?and the innovations in marketing they?ve brought?there are still some tried and true old-fashioned methods that yield results for your small business. Here, owners and small business marketing experts share their proven old school methods for gaining attention?and market share? in a crowded marketplace.

1. Try hard copy.

It?s easy enough to get a client?s email address and send them your latest e-newsletter, but in an increasingly paperless society, there?s something about hard copy that customers almost innately value. Paul Entin, owner of epr, a marketing firm in Bloomsbury, New Jersey, says that direct mail postcards have made a tangible difference for his small business clients who are in manufacturing.? ?One direct mailer brought 143 people to a trade show booth when similar efforts in prior years yielded zero,? Entin says.

RELATED: Do?s and Don?ts of Direct Mail for Small Business?

2. Say thanks.

For Nicole Francois, owner of Market Well, a marketing agency on Mercer Island, Wash., thanking a client for their business is an old-fashioned idea that still works.
?In our fast paced society, many of us forget to say thank you,? she says. ?A little gratitude goes a long way. Each week make a list of three people or businesses that made a difference for you and?your business. Write them a quick note (handwritten is nicest) and?drop it in the mail. The other party might not mention it, but they?will sure remember it.?

3. Offer a sweepstakes.

Scott Hamula, a marketing communications professor at Ithaca College in Ithaca, N.Y., says that a tried and true old-school method?with a new-school twist?is setting up an in-store sweepstakes to get more information about your customers. ?Set out a box, signage, registration slips and give away a gift certificate or product,? Hamula advises. ?Then, enter all the names and addresses into a database and start data-mining to develop your customer relationship management program.?

The reason it works, he says, is because the people you?re contacting have already been in your store, and are now a quality lead for direct mail and email offers.

4. Reward referrals.

Francois also recommends designing a referral program for customers who bring you new business. For many of her small business?clients, she designs referral rewards programs so that existing?clients get to choose their reward when they refer a new client. ?We have created a variety of incentive programs to thank great customers for their referrals,? she says. ?Whether you give a client a freebie to say thank you, add an account?credit, send a gift card or flowers, your graciousness encourages?clients to keep up the referrals.?

RELATED: 8 Ways to Make Every Employee a Salesperson

Tags: Marketing, Methods, School, Still, Work

Source: http://www.ourbusinessnews.com/3-old-school-marketing-methods-that-still-work

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Obama offers praise and pressure on historic Myanmar trip

YANGON (Reuters) - Barack Obama became the first serving U.S. president to visit Myanmar on Monday, trying during a whirlwind six-hour trip to strike a balance between praising the government's progress in shaking off military rule and pressing for more reform.

Obama, who was greeted by enthusiastic crowds in the former capital, Yangon, met President Thein Sein, a former junta member who has spearheaded reforms since taking office in March 2011, and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

"I've shared with him the fact that I recognize this is just the first steps on what will be a long journey," Obama, with Thein Sein at his side, told reporters after their talks.

"But we think a process of democratic and economic reform here in Myanmar that has been begun by the president is one that can lead to incredible development opportunities," he added, using the country name preferred by the government and former junta, rather than Burma, which is used in the United States.

Thein Sein, speaking in Burmese with an interpreter translating his remarks, responded that the two sides would move forward, "based on mutual trust, respect and understanding".

"During our discussions, we also reached agreement for the development of democracy in Myanmar and for promotion of human rights to be aligned with international standards," he added.

Obama's Southeast Asian trip, less than two weeks after his re-election, is aimed at showing how serious he is about shifting the U.S. strategic focus eastwards as America winds down wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The so-called "Asia pivot" is also meant to counter China's rising influence.

The trip to Myanmar is also intended to highlight what the White House has touted as a major foreign policy achievement -- its success in pushing the country's generals to enact changes that have unfolded with surprising speed over the past year.

Tens of thousands of well-wishers, including children waving American and Burmese flags, had lined Obama's route from the airport, cheering him as he went by.


Obama met fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate Suu Kyi, who led the struggle against military rule and is now a lawmaker, at the lakeside home where she spent years under house arrest.

Addressing reporters afterwards, Suu Kyi thanked Obama for supporting the political reform process. But, speaking so softly she was barely audible at times, she cautioned that the most difficult time was "when we think that success is in sight".

"Then we have to be very careful that we are not lured by a mirage of success and that we are working towards genuine success for our people," she said.

Obama recalled Suu Kyi's years of captivity and said she was "an icon of democracy who has inspired people not just in this country but around the world".

"Today marks the next step in a new chapter between the United States and Burma," he said. Before he left, the two embraced and he kissed her on the cheek.

Earlier, Obama made an unscheduled stop at the landmark Shwedagon Pagoda, where he, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their entire entourage, secret service agents included, went barefoot up the giant stone staircase.


The United States has softened sanctions and removed a ban on most imports from Myanmar in response to reforms already undertaken, but it has set conditions for the full normalization of relations, including efforts to end ethnic conflict.

In recent months, sectarian violence between majority Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslim minority in the western state of Rakhine has killed at least 167 people.

Many in Myanmar consider the Rohingya Muslims to be illegal immigrants from neighboring Bangladesh and the government does not recognize them as citizens. A Reuters investigation into the wave of sectarian assaults painted a picture of organized attacks against the Muslim community.

"For too long, the people of this state, including ethnic Rakhine, have faced crushing poverty and persecution. But there's no excuse for violence against innocent people," Obama told a packed audience for a speech at Yangon University.

"The Rohingya ... hold within themselves the same dignity as you do, and I do. National reconciliation will take time, but for the sake of our common humanity, and for the sake of this country's future, it's necessary to stop incitement and to stop violence," he said.

Thein Sein, in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last week, promised to tackle the root causes of the problem, and Obama said he welcomed "the government's commitment to address the issues of injustice, and accountability, and humanitarian access and citizenship".


Some human rights groups had objected to the visit to Myanmar, saying Obama was rewarding the government of the former pariah state for a job that was incomplete. Speaking in Thailand on the eve of his visit, Obama denied he was going to offer his "endorsement" or that his trip was premature.

Aides said Obama was determined to "lock in" the democratic changes under way in Myanmar but would press for further action, including the freeing of all political prisoners.

A senior U.S. official said Obama would announce the resumption of U.S. aid programmes in Myanmar during his visit, anticipating assistance of $170 million in fiscal 2012 and 2013, but this, too, would be dependent on further reforms.

In a move clearly timed to show goodwill, the authorities began to release dozens more political detainees on Monday, including Myint Aye, arguably the most prominent dissident left in its gulag.

Despite human rights concerns, the White House sees Myanmar as a legacy-building success story of Obama's policy of seeking engagement with U.S. enemies. In his Yangon speech, he appealed to North Korea to take a similar path.

"To the leadership of North Korea, I've offered a choice: let go of your nuclear weapons, and choose the path of peace and progress. If you do, you'll find an extended hand from the United States of America," he said.

(Writing by Alan Raybould; Editing by Alex Richardson)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/praise-pressure-obama-begins-historic-myanmar-visit-033657093.html

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Project Inverted turns a gaming PC inside-out with hand-made ...

Project Inverted turns a gaming PC insideout with handmade casing

While we've seen some exotic PC mods in our time, most of those still dutifully stuff all the computer parts into a box, hiding them from the outside world. Martijn Laman isn't one for that kind of traditionalism. His recently completed Project Inverted, just highlighted by ASUS, puts most of the hardware on the outside: the Sabertooth Z77 motherboard, Core i5 processor, fan cooling, memory, Radeon HD 6870 video card and watercooling pipes all sit in plain sight. Everything is joined by a unique, hand-cut case whose backbone and elevated base hide the custom wiring, the watercooling pump, two solid-state drives and controllers for both fans and lighting. And did we mention the 7-inch touchscreen? The result is a truly special gaming rig that's relatively quiet and pristine despite baring its heart and soul for all to see. Building a replica won't be quick, nor will it be cheap at about ?1,500 ($1,909), but Laman's detailed assembly process could well be the inspiration for a few more extroverted PCs.

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/19/project-inverted-turns-a-gaming-pc-inside-out/

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Super-efficient solar-energy technology: ?Solar steam? so effective it can make steam from icy cold water

ScienceDaily (Nov. 19, 2012) ? Rice University scientists have unveiled a revolutionary new technology that uses nanoparticles to convert solar energy directly into steam. The new "solar steam" method from Rice's Laboratory for Nanophotonics is so effective it can even produce steam from icy cold water. The technology's inventors said they expect it will first be used in sanitation and water-purification applications in the developing world.

Rice University scientists have unveiled a revolutionary new technology that uses nanoparticles to convert solar energy directly into steam. The new "solar steam" method from Rice's Laboratory for Nanophotonics (LANP) is so effective it can even produce steam from icy cold water.

Details of the solar steam method were published online November 19 in ACS Nano. The technology has an overall energy efficiency of 24 percent. Photovoltaic solar panels, by comparison, typically have an overall energy efficiency around 15 percent. However, the inventors of solar steam said they expect the first uses of the new technology will not be for electricity generation but rather for sanitation and water purification in developing countries.

"This is about a lot more than electricity," said LANP Director Naomi Halas, the lead scientist on the project. "With this technology, we are beginning to think about solar thermal power in a completely different way."

The efficiency of solar steam is due to the light-capturing nanoparticles that convert sunlight into heat. When submerged in water and exposed to sunlight, the particles heat up so quickly they instantly vaporize water and create steam. Halas said the solar steam's overall energy efficiency can probably be increased as the technology is refined.

"We're going from heating water on the macro scale to heating it at the nanoscale," Halas said. "Our particles are very small -- even smaller than a wavelength of light -- which means they have an extremely small surface area to dissipate heat. This intense heating allows us to generate steam locally, right at the surface of the particle, and the idea of generating steam locally is really counterintuitive."

To show just how counterintuitive, Rice graduate student Oara Neumann videotaped a solar steam demonstration in which a test tube of water containing light-activated nanoparticles was submerged into a bath of ice water. Using a lens to concentrate sunlight onto the near-freezing mixture in the tube, Neumann showed she could create steam from nearly frozen water.

Steam is one of the world's most-used industrial fluids. About 90 percent of electricity is produced from steam, and steam is also used to sterilize medical waste and surgical instruments, to prepare food and to purify water.

Most industrial steam is produced in large boilers, and Halas said solar steam's efficiency could allow steam to become economical on a much smaller scale.

People in developing countries will be among the first to see the benefits of solar steam. Rice engineering undergraduates have already created a solar steam-powered autoclave that's capable of sterilizing medical and dental instruments at clinics that lack electricity. Halas also won a Grand Challenges grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to create an ultra-small-scale system for treating human waste in areas without sewer systems or electricity.

"Solar steam is remarkable because of its efficiency," said Neumann, the lead co-author on the paper. "It does not require acres of mirrors or solar panels. In fact, the footprint can be very small. For example, the light window in our demonstration autoclave was just a few square centimeters."

Another potential use could be in powering hybrid air-conditioning and heating systems that run off of sunlight during the day and electricity at night. Halas, Neumann and colleagues have also conducted distillation experiments and found that solar steam is about two-and-a-half times more efficient than existing distillation columns.

Halas, the Stanley C. Moore Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, professor of physics, professor of chemistry and professor of biomedical engineering, is one of the world's most-cited chemists. Her lab specializes in creating and studying light-activated particles. One of her creations, gold nanoshells, is the subject of several clinical trials for cancer treatment.

For the cancer treatment technology and many other applications, Halas' team chooses particles that interact with just a few wavelengths of light. For the solar steam project, Halas and Neumann set out to design a particle that would interact with the widest possible spectrum of sunlight energy. Their new nanoparticles are activated by both visible sunlight and shorter wavelengths that humans cannot see.

"We're not changing any of the laws of thermodynamics," Halas said. "We're just boiling water in a radically different way."

Paper co-authors include Jared Day, graduate student; Alexander Urban, postdoctoral researcher; Surbhi Lal, research scientist and LANP executive director; and Peter Nordlander, professor of physics and astronomy and of electrical and computer engineering. The research was supported by the Welch Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Rice University. The original article was written by Jade Boyd.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Oara Neumann, Alex Urban, Jared Day, Surbhi Lal, Peter Nordlander, Naomi J. Halas. Solar Vapor Generation Enabled by Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 2012; : 121119075227007 DOI: 10.1021/nn304948h

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/strange_science/~3/GiR6aRSvmm8/121119140627.htm

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Obama, in Asia, says Myanmar trip to encourage democracy

BANGKOK (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama denied on Sunday his upcoming trip to Myanmar was an endorsement of the government there, calling it an acknowledgement of the progress made in shaking off decades of military rule and encouragement for it go further.

On Monday, Obama will become the first serving U.S. president to visit Myanmar, also called Burma, part of a three-country Asian tour that, as his first post-election trek abroad, will show he is serious about shifting the U.S. strategic focus eastwards.

Some human rights groups object to the Myanmar visit, saying Obama is rewarding the country's quasi-civilian government before democratic reforms are complete. But he told a news conference in Thailand he knew there was much still to do.

"I don't think anybody is under the illusion that Burma's arrived, that they're where they need to be," he said.

"On the other hand, if we waited to engage until they had achieved a perfect democracy, my suspicion is we'd be waiting an awful long time," he added. "One of the goals of this trip is to highlight the progress that has been made and give voice to the much greater progress that needs to be made in the future."

Late on Sunday, state television in Myanmar said 66 more prisoners would be released on Monday, bringing to 518 the number released over the past week.

The previous batch did not appear to include any political prisoners, but a senior prison department official, who declined to be identified, told Reuters that Myint Aye, a prominent human rights activist, would be among those freed on Monday.

It was not clear if other political detainees would be included. Obama has made the freeing of all political prisoners one of the conditions for the full lifting of sanctions imposed on Myanmar for rights abuses under the junta.

Obama will meet President Thein Sein, a former junta member who has spearheaded political and economic reforms since taking office in March 2011, and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who led the struggle against military rule and, like Obama, is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. She is now a lawmaker.

"I'm not somebody who thinks that the United States should stand on the sidelines and not want to get its hands dirty when there's an opportunity for us to encourage the better impulses inside a country," Obama said.

"And, in part, I'm taking my guidance from what Aung San Suu Kyi, who I think knows quite a bit about repression in Burma, sees as the best means to continue the development and progress that's being made there."

White House officials have said Obama would press Myanmar's leaders to restore calm to the western part of their country and bring instigators of ethnic violence there to justice.

After a recent meeting with senior Obama aides, rights activists left satisfied that Obama wanted to push hard on human rights and political and economic reform in closed-door talks with Thein Sein and in his public remarks, including a speech.

After Myanmar, Obama will attend an East Asia summit in Cambodia as he seeks to recalibrate U.S. economic and security commitments to counter China's influence at a time when America is disentangling itself from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But his attention will be divided during his travels as he faces a simmering crisis in the Gaza Strip pitting Israel against Hamas militants, plus economic problems at home.


Obama, who was born in Hawaii and spent part of his youth in Indonesia, has called himself America's first "Pacific president".

The U.S. administration regards Thailand as a key ally for advancing the "Asia pivot" that Obama announced last year with an eye to an increasingly assertive China.

At a joint news conference with Obama, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced Thailand would join talks on deeper trade ties with the United States and other countries under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The TPP is a trade pact being negotiated between the United States and Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei plus, more recently, Canada and Mexico.

It aims to tear down barriers to trade, going further than existing bilateral and other pacts, although some in Thailand worry that its provisions could conflict with rules governing a Southeast Asian economic community to be established in 2015.

As part of the itinerary in Bangkok, a monk in bright orange robes gave Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a tour of the centuries-old Wat Pho temple, taking them past its massive reclining Buddha.

Somehow, the fiscal problems back in Washington came up.

"We're working on this budget. We're going to need a lot of prayer for that," Obama was overheard telling the monk, a light-hearted reference to a fiscal showdown in Washington over tax increases and spending cuts that kick in at the end of the year unless Obama and congressional Republicans can reach a deal.

Security had been tight at Bangkok's old Don Muang airport for Obama's arrival but was far less visible in the historic center of the city at the temple, although roads around the building were closed and tourists were not allowed in.

From there, Obama left for an audience with King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 84, the world's longest-reigning monarch, who has been in hospital recovering from an illness since September 2009.

The king's softly spoken words made Obama smile at one point. "Elections in the United States are very long but it's very gratifying to know people still have confidence in me," the president responded.

(Writing by Alan Raybould; Editing by Robert Birsel)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-opens-first-post-election-trip-visit-thailand-080925608.html

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NY Fed wins dismissal of ex-AIG CEO's bailout lawsuit

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York won the dismissal of former American International Group Inc Chief Executive Maurice "Hank" Greenberg's $25 billion lawsuit accusing it of unlawfully bailing out the insurer during the 2008 financial crisis.

The decision issued Monday by U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer in Manhattan was a ringing endorsement for broad central bank power to try to preserve the global financial system from systemic threats.

It was also a defeat for Greenberg, 87, and his Starr International Co. Before the bailout, AIG had been the world's largest insurer by market value and Starr was its largest shareholder with a 12 percent stake.

Starr accused the New York Fed of engineering a "backdoor" bailout for Wall Street banks at the expense of AIG shareholders by forcing the insurer to unwind its bets on mortgage debt through hundreds of billions of dollars of credit default swaps.

It also accused the central bank of breaching duties to shareholders under the law of Delaware, where New York-based AIG is incorporated.

But Engelmayer said AIG acted out of "corporate desperation" in accepting the $182.3 billion bailout.

He also rejected Starr's having likened the New York Fed to a "loan shark" for providing an initial $85 billion credit line at a 14.5 percent interest rate.

"Merely because the AIG board felt it had 'no choice' but to accept bitter terms from its sole available rescuer does not mean that that rescuer actually controlled the company," Engelmayer wrote.

The judge also found nothing to suggest that AIG directors who approved the unwinding of the swaps were "in any way less than 100 percent independent."

Starr and Greenberg sued over the bailout last November, and are still suing the New York Fed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C., under different legal theories.


Robert Dwyer, a partner at Boies, Schiller & Flexner who represents Greenberg, said Starr may appeal Engelmayer's decision to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. He said the decision will not affect the Washington, D.C. case.

Greenberg's office had no immediate comment.

The New York Fed said in a statement: "We are pleased with the Court's decision to dismiss this case, which we have always believed to be without merit."

Richard Epstein, a professor at New York University School of Law, said the ruling was not surprising because the New York Fed could not be held legally responsible to always craft perfect solutions in times of crisis.

"It's just too much to demand of anybody that in the face of all these kinds of turmoil, you come up with the optimal solution when no one is clear about what the optimal solution is," he said.

AIG was bailed out on September 16, 2008, one day after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc went bankrupt, as losses soared from the credit default swaps.

Greenberg, who led AIG for nearly four decades before he was ousted in 2005, accused the New York Fed of wasting more than $60 billion of AIG and taxpayer funds through the bailout.

He said the rescue terms improperly benefited banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Deutsche Bank AG and Societe Generale, allowing favored counterparties to be repaid in full and freed from legal liability.

Greenberg also said the central bank improperly let the U.S. Treasury take a 79.9 percent stake in AIG without giving a vote to existing shareholders who would be diluted. The government stake has since fallen to about 15.9 percent.

At the time of the bailout, Henry Paulson headed the U.S. Treasury Department, while his successor, Timothy Geithner, had been president of the New York Fed.


Engelmayer found that the central bank appropriately exercised its authority to try to preserve the banking system, reduce the threat of "grave national and international financial repercussions," and minimize losses to the public.

"While driving a hard bargain with the counterparties might have saved AIG and its shareholders money, (the New York Fed)could reasonably conclude that its statutory mission of stabilizing the economy made speed and closure a top priority," he wrote.

"It could reasonably conclude that it was time for the cycle of collateral calls and mammoth rescue loans to end; that the stability of the U.S. economy required decisively terminating AIG's exposure to counterparties; and that paying par value -- as opposed to opening up a bazaar of uncertain and maybe protracted negotiations with counterparties -- was the best means to attain such closure."

Engelmayer also said Delaware law should not be used to impose duties on the New York Fed that "squarely conflict" with the central bank's federal responsibilities.

He dismissed Starr's claims "with prejudice," meaning they cannot be brought again.

In the case before the Court of Federal Claims, which handles lawsuits seeking money from the government, Starr said the AIG bailout deprived shareholders of their due process and equal protection rights through an illegal "taking" of property.

The presiding judge, Thomas Wheeler, in July allowed Starr to pursue that lawsuit.

Shares of AIG were up 60 cents, or 1.9 percent, at $32.40 in morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange. They have lost more than 97 percent of their value since credit conditions began to tighten in the middle of 2007.

The cases are Starr International Co v. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-08422; and Starr International Co v. U.S., U.S. Court of Federal Claims, No. 11-00779.

(Additional reporting by Lauren Tara LaCapra; Editing by Martha Graybow, Gerald E. McCormick, Maureen Bavdek and Grant McCool)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/york-fed-wins-dismissal-greenbergs-aig-bailout-lawsuit-134257244--sector.html

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The Life Sciences, the Origins of Race,and the History of Sociology

[It is both fun and a curse to look back to graduate school when a project was in its early stages and see all the things one would change.? And so, an early presentation of what would later become the manuscript for Until Darwin.]

The Life Sciences, the Origins of Race,and the History of Sociology

B. Ricardo Brown

Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies?

Department of Social Science & Cultural Studies Pratt Institute?

Brooklyn, New York?

Prepared for the Section on Marxist Sociology Roundtables,?

Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington D.C.

August 2000




The relationship between sociology and Social Darwinism is often assumed but it is not very well understood.? Many simply passed it off as a forgotten dead end.? It was Parsons who said that ?no one reads Spencer anymore?.? And it is Parsons who explains this forgetting of Spencer as an evolutionary triumph of sociology.? Sociology did not emerge from Social Darwinism. Sociology and Social Darwinism share common origins in Spencer, political economy, discourses on government, and scientific disputes,especially the species question and the question that consumed American biology in the 19th century: monogenesis versus polygenesis.Given this range of origins, I was lead to question the notion of social Darwinism as it relates to Darwin?s intervention into the monogenesis/polygenesis debate. This debate is essential to understanding the scientific ideology of race.? Race was the central problem in the American approach to the species question.
The species question

Slavery was a driving force behind the debate between the mongenists and the polygenists, but the debate over the origins of humans and the classification of their diversity had been well underway in its modern form since the 18th century (which owed earlier descriptions and representations of the Plinian races). It was not the Civil War that ended the monogenesis/polygenesis debate (as Stanton says in his The Leopard?s Spots, which remains one of the best works on the subject), but Darwin. Only the species question was to later reemerge from its repression with the work of Lombroso and Weissmann.? It is often stated that Darwin broke with Lamarck and Natural History, but the origin of species----modification by descent vs. creation vs. successive creation----was the question of Darwin?s time, and Lamarckism was not the subject of polemics from the pro-evolution side. (Darwin to some degree followed Lamarck, most notably in Darwin?s theory of pangenesis.)

You might in fact read Darwin?s Origins as an anti-slavery argument. He was opposed to slavery.(Admiral Fitzroy, an originator of modern meteorological instruments and Captain of the Beagle was a vocal proponent of slavery and the superiority of the European. Darwin, who was hired on not as the official naturalist, but rather the dinner and social companion of the Captain, noted in letter to his sister how unbearable it was to be endure these social gatherings with the Captain.? Natural and sexual selection as described in the Origin of Species and the Descent of Man destroyed the polygenic theory. At the same it demolished and replaced religious basis of monogenesis. The central enlightened argument for the abolition of slavery now had a scientific basis in the origin of the human species itself. Darwin is often characterized as apolitical, but politics has no limit in theory. He says in the
Descent of Man

...we may conclude that when the principle of evolution is generally accepted, as it surely will be before long, the dispute between the monogenists and the polygenists will die a silent and unobserved death (Descent of Man, 541)The biology appropriated by sociology was not Darwinism, although it shares certain terminology and concerns.

The discursive formation of sociology and biology was concerned with continuity: progress and degeneration. Darwinism, on the other hand, is concerned with discontinuity: species, extinction,isolation, and selection.? This makes me look at sociology in a new way. Instead of seeing the period before the crisis in Western Sociology as having been one where bad sociology appropriated bad science, I began to see it as a bio-social discourse more or less autonomous from the discourse of Darwinism. This lead me to return to the history of sociology and of race from a different perspective.? Darwin?s was an anti-slavery argument that destroyed the scientific and religious discourses on race. But the history of race appears in the context of a general assumption of bio-social progress and degeneration. It is degeneracy and not natural selection that supported Eugenics, and the linkage between the two sciences of society are profound. In particular, I want to focus on degeneration as it appears in sociology because it has not yet had a thorough treatment .? To understand the relationship of sociology, the life sciences and race in America, you have to trace through the formation and transformations of a scientific ideology that unites;

1) Discourses on nature and life (biology, medicine, Natural History, and ecology)

2) Discourses on the forces of social life, both the rational forces (those which are allied Enlightenment with the universals of Enlightenment Reason, History, Consciousness, and Reason) as well as the irrational forces (e.g., the instincts, the id [e.g., A. Wiessmann as opposed to Freud?s concept,] the mob, the mass) and also rationalized irrationality (e.g., the market and the social anarchy of capitalist production, psychological therapy)

3) Discourses on the stability of society, or inertia (e.g., Parsonian sociology, or more generally,bourgeois morality, the morality of community described by Nietzsche in the second essay of the Genealogy of Morals and by Marx in The Holy Family, the rhetorics of stability, progress, and degeneration).? If you understand how these work, then you can begin to understand the relation between the scientific discourses on race, the sociological ones (sociology in the broadest sense, as the definition of sociology narrows over time in proportion to the need to clean up its pantheon of fallen gods like Sumner, Spencer, Comte, Giddings, Cooley, Sorokin, Lombroso, etc. Feagin in his Presidential Address last night did exactly this, but of course it was only for the best of reasons, as his goal was to remember forgotten sociologists of the left) and together with the media?s re-presentation, we can discern more clearly how the history of this social relation weighs like a nightmare on the mind of the living today.

Before you can discuss race, you must first discuss science, for race does not precede science, rather, science first establishes race --- at least race as we understand it today. We must ask ?What is the bio-social discourse on race and what is the origin of its authority??rather than ?What is race?? By implication, this raises all sorts of questions for Marxist theory that claims science as its authority. Perhaps this is why the race question (and the woman question too) were deferred for so long by the Parties. It is not that addressing them would have distracted us from our critique of a more fundamental problems, as was so often claimed, but because addressing them would have called into question the scientific authority on which orthodox marxism rested.

Source: http://until-darwin.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-life-sciences-origins-of-raceand.html

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Daily Chronicle | Claims about flood-ruined cars aren't true

DETROIT ? In the days since Superstorm Sandy, an alarming prediction has flashed across the Internet: Hundreds of thousands of flood-damaged vehicles will inundate the nation?s used-car market, and buyers might not be told which cars have been marred.

Not true, according to insurance-claims data reviewed by The Associated Press. The actual number of affected vehicles is far smaller, and some of those cars will be repaired and kept by their owners. The dire predictions are being spread by a company that sells vehicle title and repair histories and by the largest group representing American car dealers.

They claim the number of cars damaged by Sandy could be larger than when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005 and marred more than 600,000 vehicles. But an AP analysis of claims data supplied by major insurance companies shows the number of cars reported damaged so far is a fraction of that.

The companies ? State Farm, Progressive, New Jersey Manufacturers and Nationwide ? have received about 31,000 car-damage claims.

?It?s not anything near what we?re talking about in the Katrina situation,? said James Appleton, president of the New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers, a statewide association of more than 500 dealers.

Frank Scafidi, a spokesman for the National Insurance Crime Bureau, an insurance company group that monitors fraud and other trends, concurred, saying insurers watched by his group are logging far fewer claims than they did with Katrina.

?It doesn?t translate to there?s going to be 2, 3, 400,000 cars out of this thing just because this is such a huge geographic storm,? Scafidi said.

Other large insurers, such as Farmers, Allstate, Geico, Liberty Mutual and USAA, either did not return calls or declined to release claims information.

Because many communities are still cleaning up from the superstorm, more claims are bound to come in. But the total is not likely to grow significantly. Ten days after Sandy, the rate of claim submissions is already starting to slow. And many of those cars will have relatively minor damage unrelated to water, meaning they can be fixed and returned to their owners.

About 14,000 new cars were also damaged by Sandy while they sat on docks in the New York area awaiting shipment to dealers. But most of those vehicles won?t end up on sales lots. Automakers will have severely damaged cars crushed because they don?t want their brand name hurt by substandard vehicles circulating in the marketplace.

To be sure, flood-damaged cars can be a serious problem. Once a vehicle is dried out, the damage may not be immediately apparent, so the car can often be sold to an unsuspecting buyer.

Beneath the surface, the water can damage computers that control everything from the gas pedal to the entertainment system. Saltwater, like that from Sandy?s storm surge, is especially harmful, causing corrosion in electrical and mechanical parts that can pose problems for years.

Companies like Carfax, a Centreville, Va., provider of vehicle-history reports, stand to benefit if more buyers are worried about the risk of purchasing a flooded car. The company charges $39.99 for a single report, although it also contracts with dealers and manufacturers, so many reports cost less. About 170 million reports are viewed each year.

Carfax, a privately held subsidiary of the R.L. Polk & Co. automotive data firm, put out a news release Tuesday speculating that Sandy?s toll on cars would exceed the damage left by Katrina.

In an interview, company spokesman Larry Gamache said early indications were that more vehicles could have been damaged in the densely populated Northeast than were damaged by Katrina in 2005 along the more sparsely populated Gulf Coast. He estimated that half of them, more than 300,000, would find their way back onto the market as used cars.

?I think it?s partly due to the breadth of the storm and the intensity of the storm and where the storm hit,? Gamache said.

A spokeswoman for Experian, which runs a Carfax competitor called AutoCheck, said the area that got blasted by Sandy has 9 million registered cars, far more than in the Gulf region struck by Katrina.

On Wednesday, the National Automobile Dealers Association put out a statement estimating that 200,000 or more flooded cars could be resold as used.

The trade organization warned that the storm could crimp the supply of clean used cars, potentially driving up prices. But its estimate was based on reports from third parties that showed 600,000 cars were damaged in Katrina and that Sandy would cause about one-third of the dollar damage from Katrina.

?There was not an incredible amount of science behind it,? conceded Jonathan Banks, executive automotive analyst with the NADA Used Car Guide.

Katrina overwhelmed low-lying areas of the Gulf Coast, including New Orleans, which is below sea level, causing widespread flooding. Many people in Katrina?s path didn?t evacuate, and car dealers didn?t have many options to protect inventories.

In hard-hit New Jersey, flooding from Sandy was mainly confined to a strip along the coast from Atlantic City to New York, and most people evacuated those areas, Appleton said.

In the western part of the state, ?unless a tree fell on your car, your car wasn?t even at risk,? he said.

Chris Basso, another Carfax spokesman, said the company relied on an estimate from a trusted industry source in putting out its news release. He said it was just an estimate, and the final number won?t be known for a while.

?All we?re trying to do is make sure people are looking out for these cars,? he said. ?Because eventually they?re going to make their way back onto the road.?

Regardless of the predictions, thousands of flood-damaged cars will certainly be resold, and buyers need to be cautious.

Unlike the automakers who destroy badly damaged inventory, dealers, insurance companies and others often resell flooded cars to recoup their losses.

If the cars were declared total losses by insurance companies, states require them to get new titles branding them as flood-damaged vehicles. But some sellers don?t disclose that, and some even move the cars from state to state to wash the branding off the titles.

So even if the numbers are far smaller than the estimates, anyone buying a used car in the coming months should check the title and repair history and have the car inspected by a mechanic. Buyers can also do their own inspection, sniffing for musty odors and checking for mud and debris under the dashboard.

?People just have to be a little smart about this,? said Scafidi, of the insurance company group. But he added, ?We don?t want to sit here and say the sky is falling.?

Seven tips for avoiding a flood-damaged car:

? Run the car?s vehicle identification number through Carfax at www.carfax.com, AutoCheck at www.autocheck.com, or VinCheck at www.nicb.org/theft_and_fraud_awareness/vincheck. The services can usually tell you if a car?s been damaged or if it?s been totaled by an insurance company.

? Have the car inspected by a mechanic, who can put it on a lift and check the undercarriage for water damage or debris from flood waters.

? Check the interior yourself for signs of water damage. Sniff for a musty smell. Look for signs of freshly shampooed carpet. Check under the floorboard carpet for water residue, rust, or water stain marks. Look under the dashboard for dried mud or other flood residue. Check for rust on screws in the console and other areas where water wouldn?t normally be present.

? Check the trunk for moldy smells, water stains, rust or debris.

? Look under the hood for mud or grit in the alternator, behind wires and around small openings in starter motors and power steering pumps.

? Follow wires to check for signs of rust, water residue or corrosion.

? Check the undercarriage for evidence of rust or flaking metal that wouldn?t normally be on newer vehicles.

Source: National Automobile Dealers Association

There are 22 hours, 22 minutes remaining to comment on this story.

Source: http://www.daily-chronicle.com/2012/11/08/claims-about-flood-ruined-cars-arent-true/a3om7w5/

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David Petraeus Affair And 12 Other Politicians' Infidelities

Gen. David Petraeus' resignation and admission of an extramarital affair Friday shocked political insiders and the Twitterverse alike. Even President Obama reportedly "agonized" over Petraeus' letter of resignation for 24 hours before accepting it.

But should we really be surprised? After all, Washington has a long history of extramarital affairs, from President John F. Kennedy's rumored trysts with numerous women (including one famous celebrity) to President Bill Clinton's famed admission of infidelity and dozens of others in between. (For the record, Petraeus' reported mistress is Paula Broadwell, a Harvard researcher who co-wrote his biography.)

Here, 12 politicians who, like Petraeus, confessed to having engaged in extramarital affairs. Click through the slideshow below, than add any that we missed in the comments section.

  • Newt Gingrich

    Former Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2937633&page=1#.UJ2MMuOe9TE">publicly admitted to cheating</a> on both his first and second wives during a March 2007 radio interview. He is currently <a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/newt-and-callista-an-affair-to-remember-20120126">married to Callista Gingrich</a>, a former House of Representatives staffer that he cheated on his second wife with in 1993.

  • Bill Clinton

    In 1998, then-President Bill Clinton <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/august/17/newsid_4537000/4537597.stm">copped to having an affair</a> with White House intern Monica Lewinsky while still married to former First Lady Hillary Clinton. The couple chose to stay together after news of the affair surfaced, and are still married today.

  • Jim McGreevey

    At a 2004 press conference, former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey came out as gay and also admitted to having an <a href="http://www.pulitzer.org/archives/6855">"adult consensual affair with another man."</a> McGreevey <a href="http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=4996164">filed for divorce</a> from Dina Matos -- his wife of seven years -- in February 2007.

  • Antonio Villaraigosa

    During a July 2007 press conference -- one month after then-wife Corina Villaraigosa <a href="http://articles.latimes.com/2007/jun/13/local/me-mayor13">filed for divorce</a> -- Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa <a href="http://www.dailynews.com/ci_6286125">confessed to having an affair </a>with Telemundo newscaster Mirthala Salinas. The Villaraigosas<a href="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/10/mayor-antonio-villaraigosas-divorce-is-finalized.html"> finalized their split</a> in October 2010.

  • Kwame Kilpatrick

    After lying under oath about an affair, former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick eventually <a href="http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008-09-05/news/0809041263_1_kilpatrick-and-beatty-detroit-mercy-school-christine-beatty">admitted to cheating</a> with his former aide, Christine Beatty, in September 2008. Kilpatrick is still married to his <a href="http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2012/09/kwame_on_trial_carlita_kilpatr.html">wife, Carlita Kilpatrick</a>, whom he cheated on.

  • John Edwards

    After previously <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/flashback-john-edwards-denies-affair-5545530">denying infidelity accusations</a>, former North Carolina senator John Edwards finally <a href="http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2008/08/07/the-story-is-out.html">confessed to having an affair </a>with filmmaker and campaign aide Rielle Hunter in August 2008. He later revealed that he also <a href="http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/34963767/ns/today-today_news/t/edwards-admits-fathering-child-mistress/#.UJ2Z5OOe9TE">fathered a child </a>with Hunter. Edwards and his then-wife, Elizabeth Edwards, <a href="http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-01-28/gossip/17945614_1_elizabeth-john-edwards-love-child">separated in January 2010</a>, and she <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/elizabeth-edwards-dies-age-61-battling-breast-cancer/story?id=12319133#.UJ2afuOe9TE">died in</a> December 2010 before the divorce could be finalized.

  • John Ensign

    In June 2009, former Nevada senator <a href="http://articles.cnn.com/2009-06-16/politics/ensign.affair_1_sen-john-ensign-republican-policy-committee-affair?_s=PM:POLITICS">John Ensign revealed </a>that he had an extra-marital affair with someone who worked for him. Cynthia Hampton, an ex-campaign aide who was also married at the time, came forward and admitted that <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31409202/ns/politics-more_politics/t/ex-campaign-aide-ensign-admits-affair/#.UJ2eMeOe9TE">she had been involved with the senator</a>. Ensign is <a href="http://articles.latimes.com/2011/mar/08/nation/la-na-john-ensign-20110308">still married</a> to his wife, Darlene.

  • Mark Sanford

    In July 2009, former South Carolina governor <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/23/sanfords-story-questioned_n_219809.html">Mark Sanford came clean</a> about a secret affair he was having with Argentine woman, <a href="http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1908008_1908007_1907930,00.html">Mar?a Bel?n Chapur</a>. Nearly six months after news of the scandal broke, his wife, <a href="http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-250_162-5966433.html">Jenny Sanford, filed for divorce</a> in December 2009.

  • Elliot Spitzer

    In March 2008, Elliot Spitzer -- who was governor of New York at the time -- admitted to being <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/03/10/spitzer-prostitution-scan_n_90766.html">linked to a prostitution ring</a> that was under government investigation. He was caught while making arrangements to meet up with <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/13/nyregion/12cnd-kristen.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion&oref=slogin">prostitute Ashley Dupre</a>. In spite of the scandal, his marriage to wife Silda Spitzer <a href="http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/03/04/why-maria-shriver-shouldn-t-go-back-to-arnold-schwarzenegger.html">remains intact</a>.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/17/arnold-schwarzenegger-fathered_n_862867.html"> confessed to fathering a love child</a> with household staffer Mildred Baena in May 2011 -- just a week after he and wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/10/arnold-schwarzenegger-and_n_859774.html">announced their separation</a>. In July of that year, Shriver <a href="http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20498160,00.html">filed for divorce</a>, but rumors of a <a href="http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/they_re_back_uLfQyTC3ul1NMbUbvDtUQM#ixzz1nt6tUAWT">potential reconciliation</a> continue to swirl.

  • Gary Condit

    Amid a 2001 missing person scandal involving <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/metro/specials/chandra/ch1_1.html">congressional intern Chandra Levy</a>, former California congressman Gary Condit <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,29029,00.html">admitted to having a romantic relationship</a> with the then-24-year-old. It was eventually determined that Condit -- who later switched gears and <a href="http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,1016589,00.html">denied the affair</a> -- was not tied to her <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/22/chandra-levy-verdict-ingm_n_786898.html">disappearance or murder.</a> Condit and wife Carolyn <a href="http://www.aolnews.com/2010/10/19/ex-congressman-linked-to-chandra-levy-writing-revealing-book/">stayed married </a>after the scandal.

  • Vito Fossella

    Former New York congressman <a href="http://articles.nydailynews.com/2008-05-01/news/17897636_1_vito-fossella-dui-bust-elderly-woman">Vito Fosella was arrested</a> in May 2008 and charged with driving under the influence. In an interesting turn of events, it was his mistress -- retired Air Force <a href="http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2008/05/staten_islands_fossella_admits.html">lieutenant colonel Laura Fay</a> -- who bailed him out. In a prepared statement, <a href="http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/2008/05/staten_islands_fossella_admits.html">Fossella later admitted</a> that he had a relationship with Fay and that he was the father of her then-three-year-old child. Fossella and his wife, Mary Patricia Fossella, <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/anthony-weiner-thomas-jefferson-arnold-schwarzenegger-top-politicians/story?id=15395918#4" target="_hplink">remain married</a>.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/09/david-petraeus-affair_n_2104855.html

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