Learn More about the Common Illnesses of Budgies

It can be very difficult to tell if a bird is feeling ill and budgerigars (a.k.a. budgies) are no?exception. Hiding pain and injuries is their way of practicing self-preservation because in the wild, the weak are considered to be the focus of many predators. By the time you notice that your bird is sick, it may be too late. It is ideal to catch an illness in its early stages to better cure your pet. Carefully observe and know your pet?s usual behavior, habits, and characteristics so you can tell if there is anything bothering it.
Here are some common signs and symptoms your budgie may exhibit:
-Loss of appetite
-Feathers may looked fluffed up
-Droppings may not look normal
-Sleep patterns are not normal
-Consumes more water than usual
-Bald patches
-Abnormal breathing
-Hunched position
-Sitting at the bottom of the cage
Here are some common illnesses in budgies:
Vitamin A deficiency ? this can be the most common deficiency for budgies that are mostly fed seeds. Seeds can also cause obesity because they are very high in fat. Vitamin A aids in digestion and helps combat parasites and infections. To avoid Vitamin A deficiency, you can add foods that are rich in Vitamin A to your pet?s diet. These are cantaloupes, apricots, red peppers, carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. You can steam the fruits and vegetables and mash them up to make it easier for your budgie to eat. Make sure you do not leave fresh food out too long because it can attract insects. You can also add leafy greens and calcium blocks to your bird?s diet. Organic fruits and vegetables are preferable because even the tiniest amount of pesticide can harm your budgie.
Fatty tumors ? this is primarily caused by seeds high in fat content if your budgie is on a seed-only diet. The condition is more likely to affect overweight budgies. Older birds are more prone to developing tumors in their testicles, ovaries, or kidneys. This can cause pressure on the body and leave them lame in their legs or feet.
Gout ? this is caused by kidney disease or a metabolic problem. Birds get gout from preservatives, chemicals, or drinking water that has toxins. Make sure your budgie gets enough clean and fresh water to drink to cleanse its system.
Diabetes ? this disease is usually caused by the overproduction of the hormone, glucagon. This causes the blood sugar levels in birds to go up. You can change your pet?s diet to maintain its sugar levels. Your veterinarian may prescribe insulin medication such as Glyburide.
Photo: http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s298/Ontosrob/Buddies/Budgies.jpg
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Source: http://www.petsintouch.com/pnn/15023/learn-more-about-the-common-illnesses-of-budgies
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