বুধবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Marketing & Customer Contact Silos Prevent Smart Service Delivery ...

Our ?always on? society is putting more pressure on organisations to deliver good customer service.? Consumers are becoming increasingly frustrated by facing siloed organisations when they themselves are connected, whilst organisations are playing catch up with emerging channels in the social arena.


Our latest research into ?Smart Service?, in conjunction with KANA, reveals a pressing need for greater cross-department collaboration and better representation for customer service at board level in order to deliver a truly customer-centric service strategy.


For organisations to succeed in the future, closer collaboration between the rest of the organisation, and in particular between marketing and customer service functions, is necessary to deliver on customer promises, retain customer loyalty and attract new business.


A key finding from the research was that overall 47% of respondents do not regard marketing directors as having an increased role in customer service investment decisions. ?A further 16% perceive them as beginning to have a role but limited in scope and authority, with just 9% stating that the marketing director is on an equal footing with the customer service director and IT director when it comes to customer service investment decisions.


The research also uncovered dissatisfaction among customer service professionals as to the level of representation the contact centre has at board level, with almost one in 10 stating that the board is out of touch while a further 44% said these departments are only properly represented on some issues.


These are all issues that have been facing customer service professionals for a number of years but there is now an urgency to transform the role of the contact centre to become the cornerstone of an organisation?s customer service offering.? For businesses to succeed in the future will require to be agile, adaptable and flexible to their customer?s needs and expectations.? No mean feat for any business but a challenge organisations must face head on.

Click here to get a copy of the final paper.


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  4. Customer Service ? how is it for you?
  5. Referee or contact center agent?

Source: http://blog.kana.com/customer-service/marketing-customer-contact-silos-prevent-smart-service-delivery/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=marketing-customer-contact-silos-prevent-smart-service-delivery

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