মঙ্গলবার, ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Warrantless wiretap bill DOA in Canada

What saddens me is what they used as a reason to try and push the bill through. When in reality 10% or less of actual spying or line tapping would be for that cause if it had passed.

As it is I'm sure any wiz kid could, if they found a BAD site / find a way to ping all IP's that hit this BAD site and trace most of them right to the ISP. All the cops need then is a warrant to seize and inspect all the internet devices behind that IP. Correct?

I know if I had a pc come in here for repair and I found that crap on it I'd call the cops!. Not that I ever snoop in anyone's personnel files, I do notice file names scrolling across the screen when I'm saving/backing up data before zero writing a drive and reinstalling the OS.

Source: http://forum.ubnt.com/showthread.php?t=68856&goto=newpost

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